Smart Meter Rollout In Austria Gains Momentum

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Smart Meter Rollout in Austria Gains Momentum

Digital infrastructure supports energy transition

The rollout of smart meters in Austria is progressing rapidly, with over 1 million devices already installed. This digital infrastructure plays a crucial role in the country's energy transition by enabling the integration of renewable energy sources, optimizing energy consumption, and empowering consumers to make informed choices about their energy use.

Benefits of Smart Meters

Smart Meter Rollout Plan

The Austrian government has set an ambitious target of installing smart meters in all households and businesses by 2025. This rollout is being carried out in phases, with the first phase focusing on households with high energy consumption. The second phase will cover all remaining households and businesses.

Challenges and Opportunities

The smart meter rollout presents both challenges and opportunities. One challenge is the need for a reliable and secure data infrastructure to handle the large amounts of data generated by smart meters. Another challenge is the potential for increased energy costs due to more frequent meter readings and variable electricity tariffs.

However, the benefits of smart meters outweigh these challenges. By providing accurate and timely energy consumption data, smart meters empower consumers to make informed choices about their energy use. This can lead to significant energy savings and reduced carbon emissions. Additionally, smart meters enable the integration of renewable energy sources and support the development of a more sustainable energy system.


The rollout of smart meters in Austria is a significant step towards the country's energy transition. By providing accurate and real-time data on energy consumption, smart meters empower consumers to reduce their energy footprint and support the development of a more sustainable energy system.